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Daily Journals

This page features the daily journals I have kept throughout this project. Each one, here, is the typed version of what I originally wrote that day. I have also included some keywords at the bottom of each entry, so you can easily see what they mention as well as what I often talked about in my journals. You can see these keywords by clicking on the journal entry.

  • Writer's pictureJoenon Sulzen

3:01 pm

I spent all morning watching TV. No homework, which was a nice break, but it just made me feel bad. So, I decided to get up and try Zumba. I did two videos (about 20 minutes worth), and I felt so tired afterwards. At the same time, I felt so good! Then I set up everything I needed to paint and went to take a shower. I didn't want to feel tired after my shower and just watch TV so I set it up beforehand. I really want to keep doing things today, even if it's homework later. So, I'm going to go paint!

9:18 pm

I did end up painting for a little while which was fun. I'm going to start reading Conjure Women by Afia Atakora. I'm pretty excited, but it has also been a long day and I'm worn out.

  • Writer's pictureJoenon Sulzen

10:27 pm

Today I did a lot of homework and went to classes, like always. However, I also made a new dinner tonight that we hadn't tried before. It wasn't amazing, but it was fun to try a new recipe! Then I did some more Zumba tonight which was more painful than yesterday, but it was still a lot of fun! I also started working on my short film today. I don't feel super confident yet, but I did pick out music and I hope it will come together tomorrow. I'm really enjoying Zumba and working out in a way where I don't feel as much pressure. I'm also starting to make a nightly routine where I work out, get cleaned up and ready for bed, spend time with Riley, read, then go to bed. It took me a minute and I still have a lot more I need to do, but I'm starting to see the positive in this change.

  • Writer's pictureJoenon Sulzen

9:20 am

I'm currently waiting for my class to start and there are two people that look stoned out of their minds. The guy's hair is dark brown while the girl's is auburn, but both are equally as wild. He looks twice her age. They were joking about the fireplace being a TV and what they would watch. When they got up to leave, they stopped at a statue of some fish. They both stared for a minute. She seemed fascinated and him confused. They left laughing.

10:31 pm

Today felt very productive. I got my video for this project all put together and edited. Riley and I went to a basketball game then came home and he did Zumba with me tonight. That was a lot of fun! I also realized today how much people watching I do now that I can't really be on my phone. I think I want to write more about these people. I also want to make a list this weekend of new things I want to do for this project, because I feel like I'm not doing enough.

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